Monthly Archives: February 2014

At 510 Pounds, Ind. Student’s Weight-loss Struggle Is Inspiring


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Chief surgeon at Slimband weight-loss clinics resigns after probe reveals ‘significant history of complaints’

Aaron Lynett/National Post/Files

You begin to think, Am I going to have to live the rest of my life this way, or am I going to die because of this? It was horrible. The colleges complaints committee issued a written caution against Dr. Yau, and said he had been ordered to undergo a remediation program. The committee said it could not rule on the patients allegation that he had behaved in an uncaring and unprofessional manner, but added that the surgeon has a significant history of complaints before the college regarding his professional communication. In short, the committee is very troubled by Dr.
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Weight Loss Tips That Actually Help

Weight loss Michelle Bridges

But achieving weight loss that stays off is a lot easier said than done. The problem most people have with weight loss is how to get started in the right way. While the internet is flooded with get-fit-fast diets and models for healthy lifestyles, not all programs are as beneficial as advertised. Many weight loss websites have a financial agenda and their advice may be to buy lots of exclusive products or equipment instead of giving you ways to improve your eating habits.
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